Monday, February 27, 2006

Oregon Republican Party Platform

Oregon Republican Party Platform
Adopted July 24, 2004

Preamble to the Oregon Republican Party Platform

Whereas the Creator has endowed us with liberty to choose and empower our government and to be involved with like-minded men and women in our great Republican Party; therefore, we affirm our following beliefs as the basis for our efforts as we establish the goals for a better future for our children, communities, state and nation:

We exhort all to consider these and invite those who can aspire to them to join us as we help build our great State of Oregon.

Individual liberty, dignity and sense of responsibility are the foundations for a vibrant community and society.

We honor such, as well as believe in equal justice, rights, and opportunity for ALL.

We believe in strong families that are formed through the marriage commitment between one man and one woman, and in the parents’ commitment to provide the positive nurturing care and discipline to their children.

We believe that free enterprise and individual initiative have brought this nation the opportunity, economic growth and prosperity that we currently enjoy.

We believe that limited government must practice fiscal responsibility and encourage and effectively use the private sector to provide services whenever possible.

We believe that the most effective responsible and responsive government is one that is closest to the people.

We believe that Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

We believe that our country should stand with the oppressed and persecuted people and continue to be the shining light on a hill that can provide light and hope.

We believe that the Republican Party and its elected officials are the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles for a government that serves the people.

We, the Republican People of Oregon, do expect, insist upon and demand that our Federal Government operate and exist within the historical and original limits set forth in the Constitution for the United States of America and Declaration of Independence.

***The above, represents the Oregon Republican Party Platform Preamble. The complete platform is found at the links provided above.

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