Saturday, February 25, 2006

Duties and Responsibilities of Republican Precinct Committeepersons

Duties and Responsibilities of RepublicanPrecinct Committeepersons

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen are the grassroots representatives of the Republican Party in Oregon. Precinct Committee Persons (PCP) "put a face" on the party in their neighborhoods and communities, attend regular meetings of their county Republican central committee ­ helping to set the party agenda in the county ­ and help to spread the Republican message at the local level.

As a PCP you have a voice in selecting Republican Party leadership in your county, the state and nationally, you will help select your county leadership ­ or may even seek a leadership position yourself. County leaders in turn help select the state party leaders who in turn participate on the Republican National Committee and elect the national party leaders. PCPs also select Oregon delegates and alternates to attend the Republican National Convention.

PCPs are often called on by Republican candidates to help with grassroots campaigning. You may be asked to "walk" your precinct with a candidate, introducing the candidate to friends and neighbors. Or, you may be asked to distribute campaign materials. You will become the Republican Party in your community.

PCPs should feel comfortable with these basic principles of the Republican philosophy:

Republicans believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

Republicans believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

Republicans believe that free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative has brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

Republicans believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of what they earn.

Republicans believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.

Republicans believe the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

Republicans believe Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

Republicans believe Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

Republicans believe our party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

***For more information, on serving our party as a Precinct Committee-person, please click on the headline link above and contact our party offices.

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