Mollee Hatton (shown here, with niece - Bentlee), from Douglas County, recently asked for assistance in outlining her family tree and looking for any historical information regarding her family.
While still rooting around... here are a few of our favorite Mollee Hatton Family Tree findings:
1) Mollee is a seventh generation Oregonian.
Name: John TUTTLE , Sr.
Sex: M
Birth: 22 MAR 1761 in Fairfax Co., VA
Death: 30 SEP 1840 in Germanton, Stokes Co., NC
Revolutionary War Pension Application of
John Tuttle b. 22 March 1761 in Fairfax County, Va. and
d. 30 September 1840 in Stokes County, NC
Declaration of John Tuttle, 75--Stokes Co., NC--13 June 1836--resident of
John entered service as a private volunteer militia soldier. He enrolled in
Capt. Peter Oneal’s company in Rockingham Co., NC, about Easter 1778. When there was a special call for soldiers to be in ready at a moments notice to march in order to rout tories, he being one of the men taken from Capt.
Oneal’s companyto make up a company commanded by Capt. Philips of Rockingham County. Capt. Philips marched his company different directions and ways through Guilford County to Deep River. He was in service at least two months and returned home to Rockingham.
He was then drafted out of Capt. Oneal’s company in Rockingham County for a
tour of three months in August 1778 or 1779. He was a private in a company
commanded by a Capt. Wm. Wilson and marched to Guilford Courthouse, NC, and there they joined Cl. Paisley’s regiment, then marched to Stones Fer
Salisbury and were joined to Gen. Davidson’s Brigade and remained some time at Salisbury, then marched to or near the borders of South Carolina, and
took up what was called headquarters at a place called 12 mile creek, whe
took 18 tories. This applicant was one of the guards. Nine of the prisoners
were acquitted an the other nine were sentences to receive the lash and did
receive them on their bare backs and to serve twelve months in the regular
service. Shortly after, information came that the British Army was advancing towards and near________ and marched to -- and back through Salisbury a
crossed the Yadkin River where we met with an army of Virginia troops.
There we recrossed the river and marched back after the British until we came to our old stand at 12 Mile Creek near the Cataba River, the British having crossed 25 miles below in South Carolina. A detachment of our troops was
sent from headquarters to watch and guard at a point on the River to prevent
the British from coming over again. there Tuttle’s time of service ended with many others and they marched back to headquarters at 12 Mile Creek and received a written discharge from Col. Paisley for three months and ten days and then returned home to his father’s in Surry Co., NC, near Major
Winston’s residence.
There being a special call for horse or mounted men, he returned out a
volunteer and furnished his own horse, and firearms were found for h
Jan. 1787. This was in a company commanded by Capt. Robert Hill of Surry
Co., under Major Joseph Winston. They marched from Major Winston’s down
through Rockingham and into Caswell Co., NC. On the route they defeat
parcel of Tories and then joined Col. or Gen. Pickens light horse troops. We
were about 500 strong, and Tarlton the British commander with 800 dragoons
lay a few miles below us towards Hillsboro. One day a party or all of them
advanced on us when we retreated a few miles and formed for battle. Tuttle
was previously wounded on the instep by a rough shod horse and was commanded with other to guard some horses in the rear. When the attack commenced they immediately broke on the right wing which soon became a general disorderly retreat with the loss of two men killed. I with part of the men got into Rockingham and was left to get the inflammation cured in my foot. Meanwhile the company had marched and had another skirmish with the British and Tories at Whitesills Mills and then returned home. In this service I served at least two months (part of which was under Capt Oneal after recovering from the wounded foot) and Capt. Hill discharged him verbally after he recovered from the wound on his foot. Total services were five months 10 days a foot private, two months on horse.
Interrogatories: He was born in Fairfax County, Va, March 22, 1761. He was
living in Rockingham Co., NC, during his first two tours and in Surry Co.,
NC, on his lat. He has lived in Surry and Stokes County ever since in t
same neighborhood (owing to the division of Surry he fell into the part
called Stokes). He believes that Gen. Joseph W. Winston and Wm Cox, Esq
will testify for him.
Aff.: Joseph W. Winston and William Cox, residing in Stokes Co,. certify
they are well acquainted with John Tuttle, he is reputed in the neighborhood
to be a Rev. soldier, and we concur in that opinion.
Declaration of Barbary Tuttle, widow -- Stokes Co., NC - 11 Dec. 1843 -- age
78 - She is the widow of the late John Tuttle (pensioner) who was a private
of infantry and dragoon in Rev. He lived in Stokes Co., NC, and received a
pension of $25 per year since June 1836.
Name: Michael Benjamin CARTER
Sex: M
Birth: 24 DEC 1845 in Wayne County, Tennessee
Death: 17 SEP 1918 in Sims, Montgomery County, Arkansas
Burial: Lone Valley Cemetery, Sims, Montgomery County, Arkansas
Michael Ben Carter (1845-1918) was born in Wayne County, Tennessee. He enlisted in the confederate Army on October 1, 1863, at age eighteen at Dardanelle, Arkansas, and was mustered in on December 10, 1863 at Benton, Arkansas, by Captain Martin. He was a private in the calvary. He was discharged from service on June 30, 1865.
Action for Michael Benjamin Carter when he was a Soldier in the Civil War or War Between the States.
Organized at Little Rock December, 1863. Attached to Post of Little Reek, Ark., 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Ark., to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Calvary Division, 7th Army Corps, to February, 1865. Unassigned, 7th Army Corps, to March, 1865. Calvary Brigade, Little Rock, Arl., 7th Corps, to June, 1865.
Service: Duty at Little Rock Ark., till June, 1865. Skirmish at Saline River, Ark., February 15, 1864. Cedar Glade March 1. Scout to Benton March 27-31. Mt. Elba March 30. Jenkins' Fery, Camden, April 15. Dardanelle May 15-17. Operations in Arkansas against Guerrillas July 1-31. Near Benton July 6. Montgomery County July 11. Caddo Gap July 12. Fair's Mills and Bayou des Arc July 14. Saline River July 16. Scout to Benton September 6-7. Reconnaissance toward Monticello and Mt. Elba October 4-11. Reconnaissance to Princeton October 19-23. Skirmish, Hurricane Creek, October 23. Scout from Devall's Bluff to Searcy and Clinton November 9-15. Expedition from Little Rock to Fort Smith September 25-October 13. Skirmishes at Clarksville September 28 and October 9. White Oak Creek September 29. Scout from Little Rock to the Saline River April 26-29, 1865. Scout from Little Rock to Bayou Metoe and Little Bayou May 6-11. Mustered out June 30, 1865.
4) George Farnum McNaughton (1925 - 2005): Born of Scottish immigrants, Donald and Molly Smith McNaughton, George moved to Myrtle Creek, in his early teens to a ranch where he lived most of his life. At 17, he joined the Marine Corps as a flame thrower operator and rifleman. George served overseas in both Guam and Iwo-Jima campaigns during WWII. He remained active in the Marine Corps auxiliary throughout his life.
5) Hans Weaver, Jr. (1816 - 1886): Born in Ballytrim, Killyleagh, Down, Ireland, and passed away at Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Hans was an early Douglas County pioneer and contributor to the founding of Myrtle Creek. He arrived in Oregon on August 30, 1853 and took on a Douglas County Donation Land Claim on October 31, 1853.
6) http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dyerged&id=I03374
Moses True Dyer (1819 - 1897) arrived in Oregon on August 27, 1852 (donation land claim #479).
Moses True Dyer of Myrtle Creek was one of the earliest to build a sawmill in the Umpqua watershed. Dyer settled in Oregon in 1852 and erected that year a waterpowered mill on South Myrtle Creek on his Donation Land Claim. Although little is known about this mill, it probably cut lumber with a muley or sash-saw. The millwright mounted a metal saw blade in the center of a wooden frame, a device virtually the same as a whipsaw. What made this mill unique, however, was that the saw was driven by a waterwheel geared through a turbine. The saw cut only on its downstroke, while the mill operator inched the log forward for another cut. The process was slow and laborious but a definite improvement over whipsawing in expenditure of human energy. George Riddle recalled that Dyer's mill possessed a primitive "up-and-down saw" but cut flooring for cabins highly superior to split, puncheons. (Land of the Umpqua, Beckham)(Umpqua Trapper #4 1968).
Moses True Dyer was one of the first settlers in the Umpqua region and one of the earliest sawmill operators in what is now the southern portion of Douglas County. He was the son of Elisha and Ruth (Heath) Dyer and was born in Vermont in 1819.
Dyer, a scout in the Blue Mountain Regiment, came first to California in the early 1840's, but returned to the east, and on December 27th 1847, he married Sarah Ross in Hancock County, Illinois.
In 1852 Moses, with his wife and three year old daughter Laura, piloted a wagon train to Oregon. On the way they met some men who told big stories of Gold in California, and upon reaching Fort Hall on the Snake River in Idaho, some of the families decided to change their destination plans and head for the gold. They were all massacred by the Indians. Following the New Oregon Trail, Dyer brought the remaining four families safely to Myrtle Creek on August 27, 1852.
Dyer first built a waterpowered sawmill on South Myrtle Creek, where he and his wife each took up a Donation Land Claim of 160 acres, a total of 320 acres. He settled claim #1 in November 1854. Family folklore says Moses Dyer first located on the Joe Cornelison place, about one mile from Myrtle Creek where he hoped to build a sawmill. However, the timber there was not suitable, so Dyer traded this first claim to Joe Cornelison for a white horse named "Seal" and moved six miles up South Myrtle Creek to his sawmill. The Dyer mill was most likely one of the types known as a "muley" or sash-frame mill; in this type of mill the logs were cut by a long straight saw blade, suspended vertically in a wooden frame which was moved up and down by water power.
Lumber from Moses Dyer's sawmill was likely in great demand, and probably was used in the construction of many of the pioneer homes in the area.
Moses Dyer was one of a family of nine children, and a descendant of sturdy New England stock. His maternal grandfather was Robert Heath married to Anna Swett and his great-grandfather was Benjamin Heath married to Sarah Eastman. Moses True Dyer became the father of eight children. Five of these were born to Mr. Dyer and his first wife, Sarah Ross Dyer; these children were Laura, William, Hezekiah, Margaret Ann and Benjamin Douglas.
Moses served in southern Oregon during the Rogue River Indian War of 1855-56; that when his unit was returning north, he simply went home, was never officially mustered out of the service, and his widow was not eligible for a pension.
Moses Dyer had become interested in the gold mines around Starveout, in upper Cow Creek Valley near Azalea, and when his wife died in 1858, he was unable to keep his family together. The five small children were placed in the homes of friends and neighbors who could take care of them. However, he maintained his home on South Myrtle Creek until his family grew up. The Dyer men were not only affluent farmers but craftsmen as well. Interested in mining, surveying, brick-laying, building and mechandising.
After being a widower for thirty years, Moses Dyer remarried. His second wife was Fletta Smith Bartle, a widow with four small children. A daughter, Dottie, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Dyer in 1890, but died when one and one half years of age. Ruth, was born in 1893, and a son Ilo, was born in 1894.
Moses True Dyer lived to be 79 years old. The pioneer sawmill operator died in 1898 and was buried in the I.O.O.F. cemetery in Myrtle Creek. He could claim no less than fifty grandchildren and many great-grandchildren who grew up to reside in the vicinity of Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
No marker commemorates the site of the pioneer Dyer sawmill, although traces of the mill dam are still visable on South Myrtle Creek. The importance of Moses Dyer's industry is reflected by a map of the Umpqua basin dated 1856; only four locations in the county south of Roseburg are shown on this early map-Round Prairie Post Office, Myrtle Creek Post Office, Canyonville, and "Dyers S. M.", the latter marking the location of the Dyer sawmill.
[Source: Letter from Lorelee Dendauw, Madras, Jefferson, Oregon.]
Some of Moses True Dyer's Descendants:
Descendants of Moses True Dyer
1 Moses True Dyer b: 14 Mar 1819 in Rochester, Windsor, Vt d: 09 Oct 1897 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
.. +Sarah Ross b: 1821 in Illinois m: 28 Dec 1847 in Carthage, Hancock, Il d: 25 May 1858 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
....... 2 Margaret Ann Dyer b: 19 Apr 1855 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 30 Jun 1932 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
........... +Edwin Weaver b: 06 Apr 1848 in Washington County, Illinois m: 03 May 1875 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 07 Apr 1938 in Myrtle Creek , Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Mary Eleanor "Tuce" Weaver b: 14 May 1880 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 12 Dec 1969 in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Henry W. "Hanky" Jones b: Mar 1878 in Peoria, Oregon m: 1900 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon d: 08 Dec 1946 in Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Henry Earl Jones b: in Oregon d: 13 Apr 1947 in Oregon
.............................. +Della Marie Daniels b: 1908 in Kansas d: 2002 in Oregon
.................................... 5 Arlene Jones b: 27 Feb 1927 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
........................................ +George Farnum McNaughton b: 13 Dec 1925 in Van Nuys, California m: 1946 d: 04 Jan 2005 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
............................................. 6 Christine Marie McNaughton b: 14 Apr 1953
................................................. +Michael Zenchencko b: 19 Apr 1951 m: Bef. 1970
............................................. *2nd Husband of Christine Marie McNaughton:
................................................. +Max Rachor m: Aft. 1972
............................................. 6 Alan McNaughton
................................................. +Teresa Diane Devin
............................................. 6 Donald McNaughton
............................................. 6 Kathy Renee McNaughton b: 02 Feb 1950
................................................. +Willie Elmer Hatton, Jr. b: 14 Jan 1945 in Arkansas d: 22 Dec 1997 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.................................... 5 Blanche Jones
........................................ +Alvin Newton
............................................. 6 Trudy Newton
............................................. 6 Hal Newton
............................................. 6 Tracy Newton
.................................... 5 JoAnn Jones
........................................ +Russ Gulbranson
............................................. 6 Ron Gulbranson
............................................. 6 Jan Gulbranson
............................................. 6 Gary Gulbranson
.................................... 5 Jean Jones
........................................ +Melvin Black m: 25 May 1944 in San Diego, California
............................................. 6 Mike Black
............................................. 6 Craig Black
............................................. 6 Patricia Black
................................................. +Anderson
.................................... 5 Victoria Jones
.................................... 5 Marcia Lynn Jones
............................................. 6 Son
.................................... 5 Jonsie Ross Jones d: in age 3 months
.................................... 5 Daniel Jones d: in age 12 years
................. 3 John Rhemic Weaver b: 24 Jan 1876 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 05 Feb 1956 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Lela Mae Tavener b: 01 Apr 1911 m: 20 Jun 1940 in Winnemucca, NV d: Sep 1995 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Living Weaver
.......................... 4 Living Weaver
................. 3 Margaret Mae Weaver b: 29 Jul 1877 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 05 Apr 1934 in Eugene, Oregon
..................... +James D. Owens m: 11 Dec 1900 in Red Lodge, MT
................. 3 Hans Weaver b: 23 Oct 1878 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 02 Aug 1940 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Hazel Vera Jones b: 22 Jan 1889 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon m: 22 Jan 1907 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon d: 30 Nov 1930 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Thelma Weaver b: 1910 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Waitha E. Weaver b: Abt. 1911 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Cormier
.......................... *2nd Husband of Waitha E. Weaver:
.............................. +John Rundell
.................................... 5 Gary Rundell
.......................... 4 Merton Ross Weaver b: Abt. 1916 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 28 May 1998 in Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Harlan E. Weaver b: Abt. 1926
................. 3 Franklin Ell Weaver b: 15 Sep 1881 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 06 Feb 1953 in Riverside, Riverside, California
..................... +Ella Jackson Howard m: 1928 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon
................. 3 Moses Elton Weaver b: 16 Feb 1883 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon or 1893? d: 06 Aug 1905 in /6/1905 Red Lodge, MT?
................. 3 Adaline Weaver b: 04 Jun 1884 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 24 Feb 1982 in Canyonville, Douglas, Oregon
..................... +Charlie Garthside
................. 3 Edwin Vincent Weaver b: 04 Jan 1886 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 15 Aug 1971 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon
..................... +Susana McGovern b: 29 Apr 1896 in Wisconsin m: 04 Aug 1914 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon d: 17 Jan 1969
.......................... 4 Orval H. Weaver b: Sep 1915 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Laura Dodgins
.......................... 4 Audria E. Weaver b: Abt. 1917 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Charles Vernon Weaver b: 27 Jul 1887 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 16 Sep 1980 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Katherine Margaret Scherpf b: 30 May 1903 in Washougal, WA m: 28 Dec 1924 in Roseburg, Douglas Oregon d: 05 Jan 2000 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Willis H. Weaver b: Abt. 1926 in Washington
.......................... 4 Rodby D. Weaver b: Abt. 1928 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Ethel Effie Weaver b: 08 Apr 1889 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 02 Nov 1978
..................... +Roy Ware Alspaugh b: 19 Sep 1891 m: 18 Nov 1914 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon d: 1975
.......................... 4 Marjorie Alspaugh b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Richard Close
.................................... 5 Karen Close
.................................... 5 Richard Close
.................................... 5 Patricia Close
.................................... 5 Michael Close
.......................... 4 Alton Alspaugh b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Dorothea Alspaugh b: 28 Dec 1922 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 1968
.......................... 4 Treva Alspaugh b: 21 Jul 1925 in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Ora Belle Weaver b: 26 Sep 1890 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 28 Mar 1976 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Harlan Blain Carter b: 31 Jan 1882 in Marion, Kansas m: 01 Aug 1923 in Honolulu, HI d: 1964 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon
................. 3 Cleland Ross Weaver b: 26 Mar 1892 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 18 May 1982 in Roseburg, Douglas, Oregon
..................... +Unknown m: 15 Dec 1914 in Douglas, County
................. 3 Bessie Zylphia Weaver b: 26 Jul 1893 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 07 Jan 1997
..................... +Ermel A. Briggs b: 10 Jul 1893 in Douglas, County, Oregon m: 29 Apr 1918 in Reno, NV d: 17 Jun 1983
.......................... 4 Webster Briggs
.............................. +Jane Mathews
.................................... 5 Gerry Briggs
........................................ +Yvonne Wren m: in 4 children
.................................... 5 Matthew Briggs
........................................ +Shelly Smith m: in 2 daughters
.................................... 5 William Briggs
........................................ +Michelle m: in 4 boys
.................................... 5 David Briggs
........................................ +Tracy McIntyre m: in 2 kids
................. 3 Susan Weaver b: 28 Aug 1895 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 25 Jun 1979
..................... +Henry Schmoll b: 13 Aug 1911 in Genesco, Illinois m: 30 Sep 1925 in Jacksonville, Oregon d: 10 Nov 1973
................. 3 George Dewey Weaver b: 06 Aug 1897 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 06 Feb 1985 in Canyonville, Douglas, Oregon
..................... +Margarete Scherpf b: 19 Dec 1904 in Washougal, WA m: 15 Jun 1931 in Tacoma, WA d: 29 Jun 1964 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 William Paul Weaver b: 03 Jul 1899 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 28 Nov 1990 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Oregon
..................... +Miriam Dolly Bradley b: 17 Aug 1897 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania m: 24 Mar 1918 in Douglas, County d: Aug 1924 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Evelyn B. Weaver b: Abt. 1920 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Heath
.......................... 4 Madline June Weaver b: 18 Jun 1920 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 27 Feb 2004 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +John Franklin McIntyre, Jr.
.................................... 5 John Franklin McIntyre
.................................... 5 Susan McIntyre
........................................ +Bussard
.................................... 5 Lynn McIntyre
........................................ +Bessette
.......................... *2nd Husband of Madline June Weaver:
.............................. +Arthur V. Bates m: Dec 1952 d: Dec 1999
................. *2nd Wife of William Paul Weaver:
..................... +Mary Helen Carnahan b: Abt. 1909 in Washington m: 27 Mar 1930 in Cornelius, Oregon
.......................... 4 Arlen R. Weaver b: Private
.............................. +Betty Coleen Davidson b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Terry Lou Weaver b: Private
........................................ +Francis Washburn b: Private m: Private
............................................. 6 Francis Jeremiah Washburn b: Private
............................................. 6 Jami Lynn Washburn b: Private
.................................... *2nd Husband of Terry Lou Weaver:
........................................ +Dennis O'Toole b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Mary Ann Weaver b: Private
........................................ +Thomas Bay b: Private m: Private
............................................. 6 Heidi Marie Bay b: Private
............................................. 6 Heather Lynn Bay b: Private
.................................... 5 Rick C. Weaver b: Private
........................................ +Gail Wigle b: Private m: Private
............................................. 6 Kevin James Weaver b: Private
............................................. 6 Kami Nicole Weaver b: Private
............................................. 6 Kasi Christine Weaver b: Private
............................................. 6 Kara Noelle Weaver b: Private
.................................... 5 Lori Lee Weaver b: Private
........................................ +Dwaine Carnley b: Private m: Private
............................................. 6 Arlen Ryan Weaver b: Private
.......................... 4 Viven T. Weaver b: Private
.............................. +Joan Margaret Flaherty b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Michael Allen Weaver b: Private
.................................... 5 Timothy Paul Weaver b: Private
.................................... 5 Steven Ross Weaver b: Private
....... *2nd Husband of Margaret Ann Dyer:
........... +Edwin Weaver b: WFT Est. 1830-1856 m: 03 May 1875 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: WFT Est. 1879-1922
....... 2 Lauretta Dyer b: 29 Nov 1849 in Illinois d: 09 May 1913 in Berlin, Linn Co. Oregon
........... +Joseph Peter Rudolph b: May 1850 in Germany m: 06 Apr 1873 in Camp Harney, Harney Co. Oregon
................. 3 Adelite Rudolph b: Abt. 1874 in Oregon
................. 3 Joseph P. Rudolph b: Nov 1874 in Oregon d: 10 Jun 1934 in Myrtle Point,Oregon
..................... +Nina A. Gager b: 03 Dec 1874 in Eugene,Oregon m: 07 Apr 1905 in Gilliam Co.,Oregon d: 09 Apr 1947 in The Dalles,Oregon
.......................... 4 Violet Rudolph
.......................... 4 Vincent Rudolph
................. 3 Elle Rudolph b: Abt. 1879 in Oregon
................. 3 George M. Rudolph b: Jan 1883
................. 3 Elizabeth Rudolph b: Oct 1888 in Washington
................. 3 Frances Rudolph b: Nov 1890 in Oregon
....... 2 Hezekiah Dyer b: 07 May 1856 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon d: 08 Feb 1914 in Douglas County, Oregon
........... +Ruby Cornelison b: 28 Aug 1861 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 19 Aug 1946 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Joseph Warren Dyer b: 07 Feb 1890 in Douglas County, Oregon d: 10 Sep 1973 in Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Capitola Adella Dyer b: 30 Apr 1902 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 08 Mar 1999 in Montesano, Grays Harbor County, Washington
..................... +Homer E. Abbott b: in Nebraska m: 05 Jun 1920 in Douglas, County
.......................... 4 Homer Abbott
.......................... 4 Marcile C. Abbott b: 29 Jun 1922 d: 24 Dec 2000
.............................. +Roger Cooper
.................................... 5 Male Cooper
.................................... 5 Male Cooper
................. 3 Bessie F. Dyer b: 03 Oct 1892 in Douglas County, Oregon d: 13 Jun 1957 in Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Henry Benjamin Bowman m: 20 Jun 1911 in Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Darrell Hezekiah Bowman b: 25 May 1915 in Douglas County, Oregon d: 01 Apr 1993 in Douglas County, Oregon
................. *2nd Husband of Bessie F. Dyer:
..................... +Robert Israel Maddox m: 03 Jul 1919 in Lane County, Oregon
................. 3 Moses True Dyer b: 07 Mar 1904 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 03 Mar 1924 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
....... 2 Benjamin Douglas Dyer b: 20 Feb 1858 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon d: 30 Nov 1921 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon
........... +Amelia Sophia Ady b: 27 Nov 1864 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon m: 27 Nov 1882 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon - 11 Kids d: 04 Jun 1927 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon
................. 3 Lillius Florena Dyer b: 24 Mar 1887 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 20 Feb 1961 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Bernard Naas
.......................... 4 Elbert William Naas b: 30 Aug 1914 d: 29 Apr 1997
.............................. +Dodge m: in 2 Adopted Children?
.......................... 4 Harley Naas
.............................. +Markham
.................................... 5 Living Naas
.................................... 5 Living Naas
.................................... 5 Living Naas
.................................... 5 Living Naas
.......................... 4 Cecil Naas
................. 3 William Hezekiah Dyer b: 23 Aug 1888 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 04 Mar 1976
..................... +Bessie Sly b: Abt. 1890 in Idaho m: 01 Jul 1914 in No Children
................. 3 Everett Edward Dyer b: 27 Dec 1889 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 08 Aug 1970 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Jennie A. Lady b: Abt. 1894 in Oregon m: 27 Nov 1913
.......................... 4 Melba M. Dyer b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Shirley E. Dyer b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Vera Verl Dyer b: 12 Sep 1892 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 18 Nov 1954 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +John Cardwell m: 14 Jul 1914 in No Children
................. *2nd Husband of Vera Verl Dyer:
..................... +A.J. Fawcett m: Aft. 1914 in No Children
................. 3 Goldie Miner Dyer b: 13 Dec 1894 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 14 Jan 1969 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Almira Isabelle Clack b: 05 Dec 1896 in Illinois m: 04 Sep 1917 in Douglas, County
.......................... 4 Leonard Alfred Dyer b: 01 Jul 1918 in Oregon d: 20 Jul 1983
.............................. +Judy Lawrence
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.......................... *2nd Wife of Leonard Alfred Dyer:
.............................. +Mary Walters Black
.......................... 4 Dale A. Dyer b: 08 Sep 1920 in Oregon d: Sep 1947 in Logging Accident
.............................. +Geraldine Rhodes
.................................... 5 Carol Dyer
.......................... 4 Gordon M. Dyer b: 1923 in Oregon
.............................. +Smith
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
........................................ +Unknown
............................................. 6 Living Dyer
............................................. 6 Living Dyer
.......................... 4 Ethel May Dyer b: 06 Mar 1927 in Oregon d: 22 May 1992
.............................. +Lynn
.................................... 5 Living Lynn
........................................ +Unknown
............................................. 6 Living Lynn
.................................... 5 Living Lynn
.................................... 5 Living Lynn
.................................... 5 Living Lynn
.......................... 4 Roland Dyer b: 23 Mar 1936 d: 24 Aug 2000
.............................. +Henderson
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
................. 3 Victor Royal Dyer b: 29 Dec 1896 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 29 Jun 1982 in Cottage Grove, OR
..................... +Martha Belieu
................. 3 Veva Maggie Dyer b: 30 May 1899 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 11 Dec 1956
..................... +George Clarence Wimer m: 28 Jan 1921
.......................... 4 Living Wimer
.............................. +Garlock
.................................... 5 Living Wimer
.................................... 5 Living Wimer
.......................... 4 Living Wimer
.............................. +House
................. 3 Myrtle Marie Dyer b: 12 Apr 1902 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 13 Dec 1919 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon - Typhoid
................. 3 Anna Mabel Dyer b: 02 Jun 1884 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 21 Jul 1964 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Rhodes
................. *2nd Husband of Anna Mabel Dyer:
..................... +Otho L. Sellers b: 19 Dec 1880 in Texas m: 24 Dec 1906 d: 03 Feb 1953 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Raymond Otho Sellers b: 1924 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Lucille Winberger m: Jun 1946
.................................... 5 Cheryl Sellers
.................................... 5 Candace Sellers
.......................... 4 Harold Douglas Sellers b: 13 May 1909 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: Dec 1982 in Coos Bay, Oregon
.............................. +Whited
.................................... 5 Living Sellers
.......................... 4 Victor Earl Sellers b: 23 Apr 1911 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: Jan 1975 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.............................. +Chapin
.......................... 4 Marjorie Marie Sellers b: 08 Oct 1914 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 19 Oct 2001 in Madras, Jefferson, Or
.............................. +William Ferroll Iles b: 03 Mar 1906 in MYRTLE CREEK OR. m: 14 Jul 1937 in Reno, Washoe, Nv d: 19 Mar 1988 in MYRTLE CREEK OR.
.................................... 5 Lorelee Iles b: Private
........................................ +Frank Albert Dendauw b: Private
............................................. 6 Julianna Dendauw b: Private
................................................. +Dana Guy Lundy b: Private
............................................. 6 Russell William Dendauw b: Private
................................................. +Victoria Marie Wilkinson b: Private
............................................. *2nd Wife of Russell William Dendauw:
................................................. +Rebecca Eileen Davidson b: Private
............................................. 6 Daniel Joseph Dendauw b: Private
................................................. +Barbara Pauline Lewis b: Private
............................................. 6 David Iles Dendauw b: Private
................................................. +Teresa Sue Namanuk b: Private
............................................. *2nd Wife of David Iles Dendauw:
................................................. +Tammy Roberta Ball b: Private
.................................... 5 Bonnie Diane Iles b: Private
........................................ +Edward Lee Peters b: Private
............................................. 6 Diane Aileen Peters b: Private
................................................. +Scott Everett Yoder b: Private
............................................. 6 Catherrine Marie Peters b: Private
................. 3 Arthur Lloyd Dyer b: 16 Aug 1885 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 30 Sep 1971 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
..................... +Zula Elizabeth Bowman b: Abt. 1887 in Arkansas m: 24 Dec 1906 d: 1975 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Gladys Dyer
.............................. +Ralph William Shelton b: 03 Aug 1910 d: 05 Jan 1980
.................................... 5 Nelda Elayne Shelton b: 15 Jul 1936 d: 23 Aug 2002
........................................ +Gerald Vance Swanson
............................................. 6 Living Swanson
.................................... 5 Eugene Shelton
........................................ +Watson
............................................. 6 Living Shelton
............................................. 6 Living Shelton
............................................. 6 Living Shelton
............................................. 6 Laura Roseann Shelton b: 05 Jun 1969 d: 19 Apr 1972
.......................... *2nd Husband of Gladys Dyer:
.............................. +Leonard Grelck m: 1987
.......................... 4 Norman Clinton Dyer b: 23 Dec 1914 d: 15 Jul 1947
.............................. +Meyers
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
........................................ +Castlen
............................................. 6 Living Dyer
................................................. +Bugna
............................................. 6 Living Dyer
................................................. +Prisser
............................................. 6 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
.................................... 5 Living Dyer
........................................ +Harris
............................................. 6 Living Harris
............................................. 6 Living Harris
............................................. 6 Living Harris
................................................. +Heron
.......................... 4 Nadia Dyer
.............................. +Elmer Rowan b: 17 Nov 1920 d: 28 May 1944 in WW II
.................................... 5 Living Rowan
.......................... 4 Laurice Marie Dyer b: 18 Jun 1926 d: 16 Sep 1988
.............................. +Gordon
.................................... 5 Living Gordon
........................................ +Jones
............................................. 6 Living Gordon
............................................. 6 Living Gordon
............................................. 6 Living Gordon
.................................... 5 Living Gordon
........................................ +Brown
.................................... 5 Living Gordon
........................................ +White
................. 3 Viva Mary Dyer b: 30 May 1899 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon d: 1987
..................... +Lester Rice
................. *2nd Husband of Viva Mary Dyer:
..................... +Lloyd E. Dement b: Abt. 1901 in Oregon m: 26 May 1919 d: in Elkton, OR Logging Accident
.......................... 4 Lloyd Dement
.............................. +Boor
.......................... 4 Clatyon Dement
.......................... 4 Agnes Dement
.............................. +Maloy
.......................... 4 Shirley Dement
.............................. +Lowrie
.......................... 4 Bonnie Dement
.............................. +Sneed
.......................... 4 Ardyee Dement
.......................... 4 Arnold Dement
.......................... 4 Wayne Dement
....... 2 William Franklin Dyer b: 03 Jul 1853 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: Feb 1939 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
........... +Alcinda McNeil b: 28 May 1856 in Illinois m: 08 Sep 1875 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: 28 Apr 1928 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
................. 3 Clarence Franklin Dyer b: 02 Jun 1873
................. 3 Esther Ann Dyer b: 18 Sep 1875 d: WFT Est. 1876-1969
..................... +Frazier
................. 3 Sarah "Sadie" Ellen Dyer b: 22 Mar 1878 in Oregon
..................... +Robert Henry Robinson b: 22 Dec 1869 in American Lake,Washington Terrority m: 20 May 1895 d: Feb 1908 in Oregon
................. 3 Florence Elizabeth Dyer b: 05 Jul 1880 d: 13 Aug 1888
................. 3 Elmer Everett (Bud) Dyer b: 22 Sep 1882 in Mayville, Or d: 14 Dec 1969 in Sacramento, Ca
..................... +Barbara Jeneatta Greiner b: 27 Feb 1885 in Keys Flat, Or m: 29 May 1912 in Condon, Or d: 30 Jul 1968 in Hermiston, Or
.......................... 4 Elmer Joseph (Bus) Dyer b: Private
.............................. +Gladys Marie Ronk b: Private m: Private
.......................... 4 Roberta Margarite Dyer b: 02 Oct 1913 in Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon d: 28 May 2003 in Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
.............................. +Vern Evans m: 15 Oct 1932
.................................... 5 Living Evans
.................................... 5 Living Evans
.................................... 5 Living Evans
.................................... 5 Living Evans
.......................... *2nd Husband of Roberta Margarite Dyer:
.............................. +Loyd Evans b: WFT Est. 1896-1916 m: 03 Sep 1955 in Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
.......................... 4 Clarence Frederick Dyer b: Private
.............................. +Vera Pentecost b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Bernard Robert Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Carol Ann Malloroy b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Elva Marie Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Lyle Muzzy b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Laura Ann Dyer b: 14 Jul 1945 in The Dalles, Or d: 1995
........................................ +James R. Lyche b: Private m: Private
............................................. 6 Deborah Ann Lyche
............................................. 6 Robert James Lyche
............................................. 6 Bonnie Lea Lyche
.................................... 5 Bonnie Lee Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Darrell Duane Gamroth b: Private m: Private
.......................... 4 Bernard Frank Dyer b: 10 Jan 1917 in Condon, Or d: 27 Sep 1928 in Condon, Or
.......................... 4 Ada Geraldine Dyer b: Private
.............................. +Everett Eugene Mclain b: WFT Est. 1890-1918 m: Private d: WFT Est. 1939-1982
.......................... 4 John Harold Dyer b: Private
.............................. +Barbara Lucille Guinn b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 John Alan Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Barbara Christine Bailey b: Private m: Private
.................................... *2nd Wife of John Alan Dyer:
........................................ +Stephanie Marie Dombrowski b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Jay Steven Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Barbara Kay Fisher b: Private m: Private
.................................... *2nd Wife of Jay Steven Dyer:
........................................ +Lorrie Ojeda b: Private m: Private
.................................... 5 Joel David Dyer b: Private
........................................ +Maureen Mckinney b: Private m: Private
.................................... *2nd Wife of Joel David Dyer:
........................................ +Cheryl Lynn Culver b: Private m: Private
................. 3 William Moses Dyer b: 08 Mar 1884 d: WFT Est. 1885-1974
................. 3 Lydia Mabel Dyer b: 28 May 1886 d: 08 Aug 1888
................. 3 James Moses Dyer b: 10 May 1888 d: 21 Apr 1978 in Grant County, Oregon
................. 3 Alcinda Belle Dyer b: 10 Jun 1890 d: WFT Est. 1891-1984
..................... +Deickman
................. 3 Jennie Myrtle Dyer b: 20 Apr 1892 d: 22 Dec 1896
................. 3 Katherine Evelyn Dyer b: 09 Jan 1894 d: WFT Est. 1895-1988
..................... +Knoche
................. 3 Charles Robert Dyer b: 12 Sep 1896 in Oregon
..................... +Zeno B. b: Abt. 1897 in Oregon
.......................... 4 Maybelle Dyer b: Abt. 1922 in Oregon
.......................... 4 Jonnellen Dyer b: Abt. 1926 in Oregon
*2nd Wife of Moses True Dyer:
.. +Fletta Smith m: 1887
....... 2 Dottie Dyer b: 1890 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: 21 Sep 1891 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
....... 2 Ruth Dyer b: 1893 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: WFT Est. 1894-1987
....... 2 Ilo Dyer b: 1894 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or d: 01 Apr 1960 in Myrtle Creek, Douglas, Or
........... +Margaret Cochrane b: WFT Est. 1890-1916 m: 24 Dec 1933 d: WFT Est. 1937-1985
................. 3 Margaret Evelyn Dyer b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
................. 3 Douglas Ilo Dyer b: in Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon